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Apologies for Mind Graphics Shipment Delay

Updated: 5 days ago

Dear Khadas Supporters, 

First and foremost, we sincerely thank each and every one of you for your interest and support in our project. Your trust and encouragement keep us motivated on our journey of product innovation. 

Unfortunately, our project has encountered some delays. Limited availability of certain components has extended our supply cycles, causing our development progress to fall behind expectations. As a result, the original delivery time has been postponed until mid-July. We deeply apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.  

To express our apologies and appreciation for your patience, we will be offering a free Magnetic Leather Case for Mind to each of our Mind Graphics crowdfunding supporters as a gesture of gratitude and compensation. 


Current Mind Graphics Project Progress 

  • Development: We have completed most of the research, development, and testing. 

  • Production: Small-scale trial production is complete, and materials for the first batch of mass production have been procured. The mass production is about to begin. 

We understand your anticipation for Mind Graphics, which is why we rigorously control every aspect of product quality and development. We believe that only through high standards of quality control and thorough multiple testing can we ensure that the final product is truly worth the wait. 

Thank you again for your continuous support and understanding! 

Detailed Project Progress 

Over the past few weeks, our team has poured their heart and soul into manufacturing the mold for the small-scale trial production. Our focus has been on meticulous planning and execution to mitigate any potential risks for the upcoming mass production. 

Enclosed are a few snapshots from our factory, showcasing the assembly of Mind Graphics during this trial phase. We hope these images give you a glimpse into the dedication and precision that define our work. 


Seize Your Last Chance to Pre-order Mind Graphics 

Additionally, if you missed the opportunity to pledge for Mind Graphics during its Kickstarter campaign, we have great news! Mind Graphics is still available for a second pre-order. This may be your final chance to get avail yourself of a $100 discount off theits retail price. Seize this opportunity before it's too late!  


Useful Links


Thank you for reading this blog update. As always, please send us all your thoughts and feedback through the Khadas Community Forum!

Best regards,   

Khadas CEO & Khadas Team 

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